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Landfill base reinforcement. 

Reinforcement of soft soils: Reinforcement of the base of embankments.

Soft soils are always a concern in civil construction. Podemos ajudar a superá-la com nossa experiência em muitas aplicações diferentes no tratamento deste tipo de solo. 

Reinforcement of soft soils: Reinforcement of the base of embankments.


Acting on both sides of the scale:


The use of StrataGrid geogrids in embankment bases on soft soils reinforces the embankment, acting in two different ways: reducing the stress on the foundation, by absorbing the horizontal stresses coming from the embankment slope; and increasing the strength of the foundation by restricting lateral deformations.

With both mechanisms acting simultaneously, StrataGrid geogrids allow for higher embankment to be executed with higher safety.

Reinforcement of soft soils: Reinforcement of the base of embankments.

Proper specification.

Especificação da Geogrelhas StrataGrid para tratamento de Solo Mole
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Reinforcement of soft soils: Reinforcement of the base of embankments.


Reinforcement of soft soils: Reinforcement of the base of embankments.


I would like to know more about the concept of treatment and reinforcement of soft soils, visit our link below and learn about our platform on the application and operation of dos geosynthetics.

Soft soil reinforcements: Embankment base reinforcements.


Reinforcement of soft soils: Reinforcement of the base of embankments.


StrataGrid®  is a geosynthetic

high performance designed to enable soil reinforcement projects in containment systems, soft soil improvement_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-de905-58c 136bad5cf58d_base reinforcement of highways, with safety and ease of application.

StrataGrid Geogrids.

StrataTex Fabric Geotextiles

StrataTex W is a high performance woven polypropylene geotextile ideal for reinforcement, separation and filtration and soil stabilization. 

Soft soil reinforcement: 

related applications

Consolidation with Geodrains

Landfills of Conquest / Platforms

piled up landfills /

granular columns

Soft soil reinforcement: Embankment base reinforcement

related sectors

Real Estate / Civil Construction

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