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StrataBase Geogrids

An innovative biaxial geogrid

Products: Geogrids

StrataBase Geogrids

StrataBase® is a rigid extruded biaxial geogrid that offers structural reinforcement for railway and roadways, paved or not, through its high rigidity, dimensional stability and high strength of its connections.


Lateral spreading of base and sub-base and ballast and sub-ballast aggregates is the most critical and common failure in pavement structures. This geosynthetic stabilizes the soil by confining the granular material within its mesh while providing high rigidity and tensile strength, thereby increasing load-bearing capacity and providing excellent reinforcement.


StrataBase® is a flexible geogrid that effectively reduces the lateral movement of particles, resulting in increased structural performance and pavement life. The use of StrataBase®  allows the reduction of the total thickness of the flooring base by up to 50%.

Products: StrataBase Geogrids


Geogrids baselines are used for over 30 years,  in pavement construction and soil stabilization projects in the US and other countries in the world .

Its operation is similar to the "Eskimo Shoe" ("snowshoe"): providing high confinement to the filling material generating a high redistribution of tensions between the soil layers, significantly improving the bearing capacity , reducing stresses on the underlying layers, reducing fatigue on the soil structure and increasing road life.

Products: StrataBase Geogrids

Technical characteristics.

StrataBase meets or exceeds all current industry standard specifications for biaxial geogrid reinforcement.

- Produced with 100% virgin polypropylene.

​- High torsional rigidity of the joint and high modulus of stability of the opening.


- High performance in interlocking with the ground.


- Mesh with optimized geometry.


- Superior resistance to UV and chemical/biological degradation.

Products: StrataBase Geogrids


  • Minimizes the need for periodic maintenance.
  • Increased pavement life by up to 300%.
  • ​Easy and fast installation. Up to 5000m2/day/team (3 people).
  • It generates base material confinement and stress redistribution.


Improvement of soft soils


Reinforcement and improvement of soft soils: Landfills of conquest/platforms

Reinforcement of paved and unpaved roads.


Reinforcement of Subgrades - Unpaved roads.

Reinforcement of Floor Base.

Rail sub-ballast reinforcement

related sectors

Real Estate / Civil Construction

transport infrastructure



waste landfills

Technical information
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