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Pile embankments / Granular columns

Soft soil reinforcement: Structured Landfills 

Pile embankments / Granular columns

The use of piles or granular columns at the base of embankments on soft soils simultaneously addresses problems of failure (Ultimate Limit State - ELU) and displacement (ELS).


In these applications, StrataGrid geogrids work like a slab transferring loads to the piles/columns and maximize their efficiency. 

Soft soil reinforcement: Structured Landfills 


Structured Platform: Embankments on soft structured soils (using piles or granular columns) absorb loads from the embankment and transfer them to a competent soil foundation below the soft soil layer using the sag effect. Using StrataGrid geogrids that work as a slab, the transfer of loads to the piles/columns is maximized due to the StrataGrid membrane effect, which generates greater efficiency in the use of piles/columns, reduction of differential settlements on the surface and possibility of optimization from the mesh. 

Reinforcement of soft soils: Structured Landfills


- StrataGrid Geogrid used directly on the stakes/columns.

- Need for a well-executed capital to minimize damage to the geogrid.

- Need for crossings in both directions of a double layer of unidirectional geogrid.

- Tensile strength is the property to be specified.

- Greater efficiency of reinforcement when there is anchoring at the edges by wrapping the geogrid.

Reinforcement of soft soils: Structured Landfills


Reinforcement of soft soils: Piles and granular columns


I would like to know more about the concept of treatment and reinforcement of soft soils, visit our link below and learn about our platform on the application and operation of dos geosynthetics.

Soft soil reinforcements: Piles and granular columns


Reinforcement of soft soils: Piled embankments and granular columns.


StrataGrid®  is a geosynthetic

high performance designed to enable soil reinforcement projects in containment systems, soft soil improvement_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-de905-58c 136bad5cf58d_base reinforcement of highways, with safety and ease of application.

StrataGrid Geogrids.

StrataTex Fabric Geotextiles

StrataTex W is a high performance woven polypropylene geotextile ideal for reinforcement, separation and filtration and soil stabilization. 

Reinforcement of soft soils: piled embankments and granular columns

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Reinforcement of soft soils: piled embankments and granular columns

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