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Reinforced Geosynthetic Barrier for Waste Coverage.

Products: Reinforced Geomembranes


GeoCover reinforced polymeric geosynthetic barriers are composed by the association of a reinforced HDPE core, with LDPE layers super additives against UV degradation.


GeoCover barriers have exceptional mechanical strength, great flexibility and lightness, combined with very low permeability coefficients, with superior performance in daily and temporary covering applications in waste landfills.


High Mechanical Strength.

- Puncture resistance 50% higher than indicated in GRI-GM 303.

- 50% higher tear strength than indicated in GRI-GM 303.


High Durability.

- Very High Resistance to OIT that guarantees immunity to stress cracking.

- High UV protection and chemical resistance due to the reinforced material composition.

Low Visual Impact.

- Better integration with the environment due to its color variations, including green, which simulates  a vegetation cover.


Quick and Easy Installation.

- Lightweight material that can be applied to large panels.



- Agility and greater ease in the daily coverage process.

The application of the covering blanket speeds up the process of daily covering the areas and eliminates the need for heavy equipment.


- Fast and efficient protection from Rainwater.

The application of a cover minimizes the volumes of leachate generated by the infiltration of rainwater, reducing treatment and maintenance costs.


- Vector Control.

Vector proliferation is a major problem to be controlled in landfills. With the use of an adequate roofing system, in addition to eliminating this problem, better integration with the environment can be achieved.


Please contact us for more information about our products.

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+55 (11) 3034-5479

+55 (11) 3513-4360

related sectors

waste landfills

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